
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper.  I am not very good at it.

My house mate showed me how to make a crane but it just did not work out as planned! Oh, mine is the one being attacked, chased and pecked to death by the perfectly formed one.. obviously.


~ by redegg on May 6, 2009.

5 Responses to “Origami”

  1. Looks like a dinosaur.

    That in itself is somewhat of an achievement i guess….

  2. No! I want a crane! I want a crane! *Stomps off to bedroom and slams door*

  3. i was gonna say it looked like a dinosaur. damn you nigel!

  4. to be honest it looks like a vomiting swan who’s had a bit too much on a night out…

  5. Screw you all! I am proud of my little mess even if he looks like he was sat on….

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